When you think about self-care, what comes to mind? Self-care is a priority that many of us can use more of. Sometimes, we get so distracted with our daily lives that we neglect the simple things. Those simple things generally may have the biggest impacts. As an Entrepreneur, self-care is especially important. If you’re not taking care of you first, how valuable will you be to your business? Self-care should always be at the top of your priority list because you come first! In this post, I share 6 Proven Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs.

1. Declutter Your Workspace

A cluttered workspace can take away from your creative mental space. When clutter is everywhere, that usually includes clutter in your head too, which affects different areas in your life. These areas include finances, relationships, your health, and professional life. The more organized it is, the more productive you’ll be.

2. Organize Your Email Inbox

Emails, emails, emails can get on overload which can cause overwhelm. Personal emails, client emails, and other business emails, having overloaded inboxes, can be super frustrating. Organizing your emails into different folders helps tremendously. Instead of spending hours every day tending to your inbox, set aside specific time. Either spend 15 minutes at different times throughout the day, or schedule out chunks of time each week to go through your emails. Prioritize those you need to respond to from high priority to low priority. Having a handle on your emails and how you manage them will help your business organization in a major way.

3. Listen to A Motivational Podcast

Life happens every single day. One phone call or occurrence can shift your entire life. The more you feed your mindset with positivity, the better equipped you will be when “life” happens. Podcasts provide so much value. You can find a variety of podcasts that will motivate you and help you get your life. Whether listening to a podcast on your way to work, or even while you’re working, it can help set the tone for you. Many podcasters have guests on. You never know when you will hear something that changes the entire game for you, in a positive way of course. Instead of listening to your favorite music on your drive, listen to a podcast. Listening for 15 minutes per day will make a difference in your productivity.

4. Plan Out Your Action Items For The Week

As it’s been said, “a failure to plan is a plan for failure” and that my friend, is true. The more you can plan out your business goals and action items, the more you will get done. You want to make sure you’re planning out goals that will actually move your business forward. Then you want to build action items around helping you do that. Prioritization is key. Each day, I create a list of 3 MVPs and I make sure those are the 3 that must get done no matter what. MVPs are my Most Valuable Priorities. Then I prioritize any remaining to-do items. Set out time at the beginning of your week to do your planning. Sunday’s usually work best for me, but a different day may work better for you. Block out time on your calendar, write out your plans, and watch your goals unfold.

5. Brain Dump

This helps me in so many ways. Brain dumping is when you dump your thoughts, to-do’s, places to go, errands to run, and anything else that is swimming around in your thoughts. Set aside 5 minutes every morning or at least 20 minutes per week, to write these downs. You can use a notepad on your phone, a blank piece of paper, or even in a journal that you only use for brain dumping. The benefit to this is to help you clear your mind of the clutter. This helps you refocus and regroup on the things that are most important in your business, and even in your life. Once you’ve completed your MVPs for the day or week, then you can attack the items that you brain dumped. A clear mind is much more productive than a cluttered and distracted mind.

6. Learn to Say No

How much good are you doing yourself if you’re always saying “yes” to everything and everyone around you? Different events, get-togethers, breakfast, brunch, dinner outings, or even weekend getaways. You have to say “yes” to yourself more than you do to others. That’s not to say that you can’t ever do these things, just make sure you are still prioritizing them. Taking those types of breaks is part of self-care, so they are still important to make happen. Because you are building a business, the more you can learn to say “no” to things, the more productive you will be. From the people you find yourself saying “yes” to more times than not, how many of them are helping you build your business and your future?

What are some ways you practice self care? Share them below. If you found value in this post, spread the knowledge by sharing these 6 Proven Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs.

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Digital Organization and Brand Design Coach for Solopreneurs. Sharing the best tips, strategies, and resources in digital organization and brand design for solopreneurs juggling a 9-5. As a solopreneur who has been juggling a 9-5 job and side business for over nine years, I understand the challenges of maintaining a balanced life while pursuing one's passion. That's why I am passionate about helping other women who are pursuing their side hustle dreams.